Thursday 16 March 2017

The amazing journey of 30 weeks pregnant woman

What Happens To Mother And Baby During Thirtieth Week?

A baby that starts his journey from the first month goes through many changes when thirtieth week comes. She/he weighs almost 3 pounds. From head to heal, she/he may be 15.7 inches long.
Thirtieth week brings many changes to a baby’s brain. During week baby’s brain starts folding like a typical adult brain and neurons develop further. Baby also starts developing his eyesight, although not very sharp. 
What a 30 week pregnant woman looks like. Beautiful isn't she?

What Change Happens To Mom?
Normally after 30th week a mom has 10 weeks to go. Uterus comes about four inches above the belly button. A mother normally gains 20 pounds by now.
A mother may experience many changes during the 30th week of pregnancy. She may feel exhausted sometimes, especially if she cannot sleep sometimes. During these days insomnia affects eighty percent of all women. She may experience difficulty in sleep due to frequent need to urinate and leg cramps. She cannot do much for leg cramps and need to urinate, but buying a pregnancy pillow may help her sleep comfortably at night.
During the second half of her pregnancy, she may experience heartburn. Heartburn is a burning and painful sensation in chest or throat. It happens because of growing uterus and baby pushing against intestines and stomach.
Heartburn is not something to worry about, it is harmless. If it becomes unbearable for woman, she should talk to her healthcare provider. He/she may help her regarding safe heartburn relievers to take. She should try to minimize her discomfort these days.
A pregnant woman should avoid foods or drinks that may trigger heat burn.
Mom and baby go through many changes during the 30th week of the pregnancy. Baby gets more weight as well as pregnant woman.  30 week pregnant woman should take care of her health. It is good for the health of both the baby and the pregnant woman. To learn more go to